ECLECTICA - English Literary Society

ECLECTICA - English Literary Society



Eclectica has been a haven for literary enthusiasts, wordsmiths and the students who breathe literature for years. Eclectica has been known to establish itself as a hub for budding poets, writers and thinkers who have spread their literary glory in various fields and genres with the guidance of the faculty. 
Society has been the home to many great speakers who have yet time and again proved their efficiency in various fields of life and at the same time nurture the existing students to become more efficient and effective skills that allow them to grow into future leaders. As the very name suggests, Eclectica harbours anyone who is “Eclectic” and thus becoming a safe place to express themselves. 

Core Team

Faculty Members

  • Ms Nancy Khera : Convenor
  • Dr Mukesh Bhairva : Co-convenor

Student Coordinator

  • President : Sanskriti
  • Vice President : Nisha Gupta
  • Secretary : Vartika Singh

Major events organised

Details of events planned for the session 

In the academic year of 2023-2024, Eclectica came back with even more brighter events. An Academic talk with Prof Ajay Navaria followed by a Just A Minute Competition kickstarted the session in November 2023. In April, Eclectica conducted its annual literary fest Eglantine which had four events under its belt; What If- The Creative Writing Competition, Ilumni- The Annual Alumni Talk Series, BYOB- The Book Barter event and concluded with Penchant 24- The Slamp Poetry Competition. Other than that Eclectica had in-house Ice Breaker Events and more fun activities.