Safety & Security

Safety & Security

  • Trained security guards patrol the campus to ensure the safety of all individuals and property. They monitor entry and exit points, as well as key areas of the campus.
  • Security guards are trained to respond effectively to emergencies such as medical incidents, fires, or security breaches. They are equipped with communication devices to quickly coordinate with emergency services if needed.
  • The college has implemented separate entry gates for faculty and students to streamline access control. This helps manage the flow of faculty and students and ensures each group has designated entry points.
  • Visitors to the campus are required to register at designated entry points and obtain visitor passes before proceeding further.
  • Entry and exit points, as well as other critical areas of the campus, are monitored 24/7 through a combination of security cameras and on-ground patrols.
  • The college has a zero-tolerance policy towards violence, harassment, and discrimination.
  • The college conducts regular security audits and risk assessments to avoid any mishappening on the campus
  • All members of the college community should be encouraged to report any suspicious behaviour, activities, or objects to campus security or authorities immediately.
  • The college ensures adequate lighting and security patrols in parking lots to prevent theft, vandalism, and assault. Encourage students and staff to park in well-lit areas and avoid leaving valuables in vehicles.
  • All students shall visibly display valid ID badges while on campus.
  • The college conducts workshops and awareness campaigns on personal safety, including self-defense techniques, safe socialization practices, and risk avoidance strategies.