Associate Professor | Department of Commerce
Contact (Off.): 9811069079
Email Address : rajni[dot]jagota[at]pgdav[dot]du[dot]ac[dot]in
Company Law, Corporate Law,Business Law, Labour Laws, Cyber Laws and Auditing & Corporate Governance
Dr.Rajni Jagota is an Associate Professor in the Department of Commerce at PGDAV College. She is M Com,M Phil and Ph D all from University of Delhi.She has over three decades of teaching experience.She has been visiting faculty to M Com, MBA(IB), MBA(MHROD) Department of Commerce,Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. She has taught law papers to CA students also. She has presented papers in a number of National and International conferences including paper presentation at Ireland in Conference by' International Council of Small Business' during 11-14 June 2014. She has a number of publications to her credit.Two students have been awarded Ph D by University of Delhi, under her joint supervision and advice respectively. She has completed an Innovation Project 2015-16 on Jan Dhan Yojana and Financial Inclusion as one of the investigators. She contributed towards work LEAD DIKSHA at SCERT in the capacity of vetting expert of E Content held from 15/2/2022 to 17/2/2022.She is a LEARNER.
Company Law, Corporate Laws, Cyber Laws, Business Laws and Corporate Governance to B COM & B COM(H)
Taught 'LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR BUSINESS' to MBA (FIRST SEMESTER) at Department of Commerce, DELHI SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS, as visiting faculty (2014-15)
Taught INDUSTRIAL LAW to M COM (SEM FOUR) at Department of Commerce, DELHI SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS, as visiting faculty (2014-15)
Taught INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS & LAWS to MBA(MHROD) at Department of Commerce, DELHI SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS, as visiting faculty (2014-15)
Taught 'CORPORATE LAWS' to M COM(THIRD SEMESTER)at SOL ,UNIVERSITY OF DELHI as visiting faculty(2017-18)
One PhD completed and awarded by University of Delhi, under her joint supervision. And she guided another PhD student in the capacity of advisor.
Worked in the capacity of member /convenor/co- convenor of various committees/societies as assigned.
Implications of World Trade Organization Regime on Indian Small Scale Industry
Completed an Innovation Project (2015-16) "Jan Dhan Yojana and Financial Inclusion" as one of the investigators.
Edited (co-editor) book on Economic Legislation for BBA (FIA) Sem 1 GE for Department of Distance and Continuing Education (University of Delhi), ISBN 978-93-95744-15-4,1st edition :2022, also wrote two chapters in the same.
Business Laws (Scholar Tech Press) ISBN 978-93-82209-44-7 (2023)
Company Law (Taxmann) ISBN 9789357789011 (2024).
'WTO Regime and Its Implications for Indian Toy Sector ' (Sole Author) SEDME,NISIET,March 2004,pp 85-90,ISSN 0970-8464
'Implications of WTO Regime on SSI '(First Author) PRODUCTIVITY,National Productivity Council,October-December 2006,Vol.47,No.3,pp 304-314,ISSN 0032-9924
'Implications of WTO Regime on Plastic Processing Sector' (First Author), THE MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANT, JAN 2007, VOL.42, NO.1, pp 13-18, ISSN 0972-3528
'Should the MSMEs be Governed the Corporate Way?(Joint Author)Indian Journal of Corporate Governance(Scopus Indexed), 8(1)54-67,2015, Institute of Public Enterprise,Sage Publications DOI:10.1177/0974686215574427
'Could Sociocracy be the Way to MSME Governance?(Joint Author) Indian Journal of Corporate Governance(Scopus Indexed),9(2)173-185,2016 Institute of Public Enterprise,Sage PublicationsDOI:10.1177/0974686216666447
'CG THEORY OF BUSINESS GROWTH' (Joint Author)Corporate Governance Insight,Volume1, Issue2, December 2019,eISSN:2582-0834
'Marketization of Social Sector Funding:A Study of India`s Social Stock Exchange'(joint Author)Journal of Social and Economic Studies,VolumeXXXI,No.1&2,2021,ISSN:0377-0508
Are Founder's Values and Quality of Corporate Governance Linked? Paper presented jointly at the National Research Workshop on' Corporate Governance Practices in India:Retrospect and Prospects' at IICA,Ministry of Corporate Affairs on 14-15,February,2014
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research and Jugaad,Paper presented at the 59th Annual International Council for Small Business World Conference on Entrepreneurship on 11th-14th June 2014 at Dublin
Do the Amendments to the Companies Act 2013 Encourage Higher Standards in Corporate Governance?,Paper presented at First International Conference on 'Corporate Governance ;Issues and changing Paradigms ' organized by GRFCG on September 7-8,2019
CG Theory of Business Growth, Paper presented jointly at First International Conference on 'Corporate Governance ;Issues and changing Paradigms ' organized by GRFCG on September 7-8,2019,Paper presented at First International Conference on 'Corporate Governance ;Issues and changing Paradigms ' organized by GRFCG on September 7-8,2019
Delivered Lecture in Refresher Course in Commerce(CPDHE)University of Delhi on' Small Scale Enterprises in an Era of Globalization' on 7th March,2006.
Delivered two invited Guest Lectures on' Information Technology Act' at Hansraj College in September 2019.
Delivered invited Guest Lecture on' Insights into Information Technology Act' at Deen Dayal Upadhaya College on 22nd October 2019.
Resource person at International Webinar on' Covid 19 as a Global Crisis:Analysing its Effects from Indian Perspective' organized by Post Graduate Department of History,DEV SAMAJ COLLEGE FOR WOMEN FEROZEPUR CITY-PUNJAB on June 13-14,2020
Delivered two invited Guest Lectures on' Companies Act 2013' for students of PGDM ,International Management Institute ,Bhubaneshwar through online mode on 26th September,2020.
Delivered a talk in DST sponsored Two week training program in online mode on ENTREPRENEURSHIP organised at IIIT,Allahabad 12th February to 23rd February,2021
Resource person inTwo week Refresher Course in Commerce organized by TLC-Ramanujan College,University of Delhi,delivered lecture(recorded video form) on" Demystifying Anti Money Laundering Laws in India"on 7th August,2023
Delivered a talk on Insights into Union Budget 2024 with Special Reference to Bihar,online mode,on invitation by Nalanda College,Bihar Sharif,Nalanda on 29th July 2024
Delivered a talk on NAVIGATING LEGALITIES FOR A STARTUP-AN INSIGHT,at SATYAWATI(D) College,University of Delhi, on 23rd September ,2024
Co-chaired a Session in First International Conference on' Corporate Governance' organized by GRFCG on 7-8, September,2019
Co- chaired a Session in National Conference on' Sustainable Development and Business' held on 18th August,2020 organized by PGDAV College ,Dept of Commerce.
Chaired a Session at 2nd International Conference on' Revisiting Business and Corporate Governance' held on September 10-11,2022, organised by Global Research Foundation for Corporate Governance(GRFCG)
Resource person at one day Workshop on 'Business Laws' organized by Rajdhani College, University of Delhi in collaboration with Department of Commerce,Delhi School of Economics,University of Delhi, on 26th August 2019.
Acted as a Panelist in panel discussion on 16th February 2021 in DST sponsored Two week training program in online mode .
Judged Research Paper Presentation Competition(Pathfinder) at Gargi College held on 19th April 2023.
Judged Dr. Saroj Gupta Paper Presentation Competition at Lady Shri Ram College held on 21st March 2024.
Judged Research Paper Presentation Competition(Pathfinder) at Gargi College held on 10th April 2024.
Judged 200th Session of Graduate Scholars Talk Series held on 29th December 2024.
Acted as Panelist for the round of group discussion &panel interview for Talent Spotting for Passionate Educators held by DPSG on 16th September 2024