Associate Professor | Department of Statistics
Email Address : neetu[dot]jain[at]pgdav[dot]du[dot]ac[dot]in
View Resume
Educational Qualifications
- B.Sc.(Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry) , 1998 , CCSU, Meerut
- M.Sc.(Statistics) , 2001 , University of Delhi
- M.Phil.(Statistics) , 2003 , University of Delhi
- Ph.D. (Statistics) , 2023 , University of Delhi
Career Profile
- Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, P.G.D.A.V. College, University of Delhi, since 2017.
- Assistant Professor Department of Statistics, P.G.D.A.V. College, University of Delhi (2004-2017).
Subjects Taught
Linear Models
Probability Theory
Stochastic Processes
Design of Experiments
Administrative Assignments
Administrative Assignments at College Level:
- Teacher-in-charge, academic year 2012-13. 2021-22
- Convener of Statistics Society “Sankhyiki”, academic year 2011-12, 2022-23
- Member, Academic Committee, 2011-12, 2020-21
- Member, Purchase Committee, 2013-14, 2014-15
- Member, Admission Committee, 2010-11, 2018-19
- Member, Discipline Committee, 2008-09, 2009-10, 2022-23
- Member, Lawns and Garden Committee, 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17
- Member, Canteen Committee, 2011-12, 2012-13
- Member, SAF Committee, 2019-20
- Member, Time-table Committee, 2005-06, 2006-07
Administrative Assignments at University Level:
- Member, Committee of Courses for Honours and Postgraduate Studies in Statistics, 2020-2023
- Member, Sub-Committee to prepare the syllabi for Paper C-402: Linear Models, B.Sc.(H) Statistics (CBCS), 2018
- Member, Sub-Committee to prepare and finalize the guidelines and the pattern of the Question Paper for Paper- STAT-C-402 (Linear Models) of Semester-IV, B.Sc.(H) Statistics (CBCS), 2016
- Member, Sub-Committee to prepare and finalize the guidelines and the pattern of the Question Paper for Paper- STH-503 (Econometrics) of Semester-V, B.Sc.(H) Statistics, 2013
- Member, Sub-Committee to revise the syllabus of the Papers- Linear Models, Design of Experiments & Econometrics, B.Sc.(H) Stats, 2009
- Member, Sub-Committee to convert the B.Sc.(H) Stats course structure into a Semester mode, 2009
M.Phil. dissertation: Some discrete distributions based on urn models and their characterizations
Ph.D. Thesis: Some Contributions to Moments of Order Statistics and Their Inferential Aspects
Research Articles
- Jain, N., Pushkarna, N. and Garg, A (2023) “Reliability Estimation for the Stress-Strength Life Testing Model based on Double Truncated Type-I Generalized Half Logistic Distribution”, GIS Science Journal, Volume 10(1), pages 864-883.
- Pushkarna, N. and Jain, N (2022) “Generalized order statistics based on dual generalized order statistics, Journal of Xidian Univ., 2022, Volume 18(8), pages 455-466.
- Pushkarna, N. and Jain, N (2021) “Exponentiated Burr-XII distribution based on dual generalized order statistics, Int. J. Agricult. Stat. Sci., Volume 17(1), pages 2175-2185.
- Kumar, D., Jain, N and Gupta, S (2015) “The Type I Generalized Half-Logistic Distribution Based on Upper Record Values”, Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 2015, Article ID 393608, pages 1-11.
- Kumar, D., Kumar, M., Saran, J. and Jain, N (2017) “The Kumaraswamy-Burr III Distribution Based on Upper Record Values”, American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, Volume 36:3, pages 205-228.
- Kumar, D., Saran, J. and Jain, N (2017) “The Exponentiated Burr XII Distribution: Moments and Estimation Based on Lower Record Values: Sri Lankan Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol. 18-1.
- Kumar, D. and Jain, N (2018) “Power generalized Weibull distribution based on generalized order statistics”, Journal of Data Science, Volume 16-3, pages 621-646.
- Kumar, D., Jain, N., Nassar, M. and Abo-Kasem, O. E (2019)“Parameter estimation for the exponentiated Kumaraswamy-power function distribution based on order statistics and application”, Annals of data Science, Volume 8(4), pages 885-811.
- Kumar, D. and Jain, N (2019)“Relations for the moments of dual generalized order statistics from exponentiated Pareto type I distribution”, Tamsui Oxford Journal of Informational and Mathematical Sciences, Volume 33(1), pages11-29.
Conference/ Symposium etc. Paper Presented
- Research paper titled “Exponentiated Burr-XII distribution: Some explicit expressions with characterizing results” was presented in Online International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational Mathematics & Engineering organised by Dept. Of App. Sc. & Humanities, BKB Inst. of Eng. & Tech. during 19-21 March, 2021.
- Research paper titled “On exponentiated Burr-XII distribution based on dual generalized order statistics with some applications” was presented in 9th International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Infocom Technology and Business Operations organised by Dept. of Operational Research, Univ. of Delhi during 27-29 Dec, 2018.
- Research paper titled “Some explicit expressions and recurrence relations for moments from exponentiated Pareto Type I distribution based on dual generalized order statistics” was presented in 2nd International Conference of Vijńańa Parishad of India on Recent Trends of Computing in Mathematics, Statistics and Information Technologies organized by Dept. of Mathematical Sciences and Computer Applications, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi during 9-11 March, 2018.
- Research paper titled “The Exponentiated Burr XII Distribution: Some Explicit Expressions and Recurrence Relations for Moments based on Dual Generalized Order Statistics” was presented in International Conference on Statistics for Twenty-first Century- 2017 organized by Dept. of Statistics, Univ. of Kerala, Trivandrum during 14-16 Dec,2017.
- Research paper titled “Kth Record Values from Kumaraswamy-Burr III Distribution” was presented in V National Conference on Statistical Inference, Sampling Techniques and Related Areas organized by Dept. of Operational Research and Statistics, Aligarh Muslim University during 23-25 March,2015.
- As Resource person in online short-term certificate course on Data Analysis using R organized by Dept. of Economics, PGDAV College, Univ. of Delhi on 21st and 22nd April, 2021.
- As Resource person in Faculty Development Programme on Descriptive Statistics with R organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, Univ. of Delhi during 15-21 June, 2021.
Workshop/ Conference/ Symposium ATTENDED
Academic Staff College Orientation/Refresher Course/FDP attended
- Participated in Orientation programme organized by CPDHE, ILLL, Univ. of Delhi during 03.07.2008- 30.07.2008.
- Participated in Refresher course in Mathematics and Operational Research organized by CPDHE, ILLL, Univ. of Delhi during 13.12.2010- 04.01.2011.
- Participated in Refresher course in Mathematical Sciences organized by CPDHE, ILLL, Univ. of Delhi during 14.12.2013- 04.01.2014.
- Participated in Refresher course in Mathematical Sciences organized by CPDHE, ILLL, Univ. of Delhi during 24.11.2014- 13.12.2014.
- Participated in Faculty Development Programme titled Contemporary Business Environment organized by TLC, Ramanujan College and IQAC, PGDAV College, Univ. of Delhi during 10-16 DEC, 2018.
- Participated in Faculty Development Programme titled Entrepreneurship, Motivation and Leadership organized by NIESBUD and ARSD College, Univ. of Delhi during 24-30 Dec,2018.
- Participated in Refresher course on Research Methodology and Data Analysis organized by TLC, Ramanujan College, Univ. of Delhi during 24.03.2021- 07.04.2021.