
(Ms.) Ritu Jain

Associate Professor | Department of Statistics

Contact (Off.): 8588805521

Email Address : ritu[dot]jain[at]pgdav[dot]du[dot]ac[dot]in

View Resume

Discrete Probability Distributions using Urn Models.

  • B.Sc.(Honours) , 1982 , University of Delhi
  • M.Sc. (Statistics) , 1984 , University of Delhi
  • M.Phil. (Statistics) , 1987 , University of Delhi
  • Ph.D , 1995 , University of Delhi
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Dr.(Mrs)Ritu Jain holds  substantive post of Associate Professor in the college. She has 35 years of teaching/research experience. She is M.Sc. (Mathematical Statistics) from Delhi University. She was awarded S.R.Gupta Memorial Gold Medal for attaining first position in M.Sc. She was awarded Junior Research Fellowship under All India scheme by University of Delhi. She has also qualified CSIR-NET with fellowship. She has done M. Phil. and Ph.D both from Delhi University. Her field of specialization is discrete probability distributions using Urn Models.  She has published several research papers in national and international journals.

She has been actively involved in the work of academic administration of the college and the university like working as examiner at college as well as at university level (paper settings and evaluation of answer sheets), member of Moderation Committee of the University, member of committee of courses, member of Departmental Research Committee and M.Phil. Committee of the University. She has been member of selection committees in the college on several occasions. Recently, she was a member of Selection Committee for promotion of faculty members to the position of Associate Professor. 

She has also attended workshops, symposiums, international conferences and seminars organized in Delhi from time to time.

She has been member of various committees in the college like admission committee, cultural committee, discipline committee etc. and recently, she worked as Convener of Lawn and Garden Committee. She has actively participated in co-curricular activities organized by Statistics society, namely, "Sankhyiki". She is the founder of Statistics Department in the college and contributed substantially in the growth and development of this Department.

  • Basic Statistics
  • Mathematical Analysis
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Probability and Probability Distributions

               Administrative Assignments at College Level:   

  • Convener, Apex Committee (2022-23)
  • Member, Lawns & Garden Committee (2021-22)
  • Convener, Lawns & Garden Committee (2020-21)
  • Convener, Lawns & Garden Committee (2019-20)

            Administrative Assignments at University Level:

  • Member, Departmental Research Committee, University of Delhi  (2021-22)
  • Member, M.Phil.Committee, University of Delhi  (2021-23) 
  • Member, Board of Research Studies (Mathematical Sciences), University of Delhi (2021-22)
  • Member, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Delhi (2021-22)



M.Phil. Dissertation :  A Study of Some Parametric, Non Parametric and Other   Related Approches in Survival Analysis of Paired Systems.

Ph.D Thesis : Generalized Discrete Distributions Based on URN Models - A Unified Approach.

  1. Sen K., Jain R.: 'A Class of Multivariate Quasi Polya Distributions', ASR, vol. 7, no.1, 1993.
  2. Sen K., Jain R.: 'A First Passage Probability Model Generating Various Multivariate Discrete Distributions', Proceedings of Second International Triennial Calcutta symposium on Probability and Statistics, 1994.
  3. Sen K., Jain R.: 'Multivariate Distributions Generated from Generalized Markov - Polya Probability Model', Proceedings of Third Ramanujan Symposium, 1995.
  4. Sen K., Jain R.: 'Generalized Markov-Polya Urn Models with Predetermined Strategies', Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 119-133, 1996.
  5. Sen K., Jain R.: 'A Multivariate Generalized Polya Eggenberger Probability Model First Passage Approach', Communication in Statistics, Theory Meth, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 871-884, 1997.
  6. Sen K., Jain R.: 'A Class of Quasi-Polya Distributions', Statistics & Probability Letters, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 313- 322, 1997.
  7. Sen K., Jain R.: 'Cluster Generalized Negative Binomial Distributions', Probability Models and Statistics.