

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become."- CS.Lewis.

The study of English Literature is a stimulating experience for our students. The course not only covers the intensive study of British Literature but is also an extensive journey into iconic writings from all over the world, written originally in English or translated into English. The students are encouraged to develop analytical and critical skills with an interdisciplinary approach. The students are also trained in literary theory, where they learn to read a text from various perspectives and theoretical groundings.
The Department of English also has a vibrant society called Eclectica. It conducts various workshops, international lectures and conferences, inter-college literary and creative events to provide its students with the necessary experience in writing, organising and presenting papers as well as creative outputs. They acquire necessary skills in their development both as literature students and as individuals ready to participate and take on the challenges of the contemporary world. The programme prepares the student for a career in mass communication, journalism, management, civil services, creative writing, theater and academics