Staff Council

Staff Council

The Staff Council stands as a cornerstone of our college's governance structure. Comprising all faculty members, the Librarian, and the Director of Physical Education, it plays a vital role in decision-making processes.

Chaired by the Principal, the Staff Council oversees all aspects of academic and non-academic functioning within the college. A Secretary, nominated unanimously by the teaching faculty, ensures smooth coordination and communication within the council.

To enhance the functioning, the Staff Council delegates responsibilities by forming committees tasked with specific duties. These committees, in turn, contribute to the effective management and operation of various college functions.

In essence, the Staff Council serves as a forum for collaborative and democratic decision-making, inculcating a sense of shared responsibility among staff members for the overall well-being and success of the college community.

S. No. Title View File
1 Academic Year 2023-24 PDF
2 Academic Year 2022-23 PDF
3 Academic Year 2021-22 PDF