Human Values and Professional Ethics

Human Values and Professional Ethics

We at PGDAV College uphold the highest social responsibility standards, professional integrity, and ethic while inculcating and instilling respect for every human being. We aim to entrench Indian social and cultural values and virtues in our students. We expect our students to:

  • Strive for excellence in scholarship, research, and professional practice.
  • Demonstrate consistency between words and deeds, ensuring trustworthiness in academic and professional endeavors.
  • Recognize the importance of integrity in maintaining the credibility of oneself and the institution.
  • Cultivate empathy and compassion towards others, recognizing their perspectives and experiences.
  • Encourage empathy as a driving force for positive social change and community engagement.
  • Respect intellectual property rights, citing sources accurately, and avoiding plagiarism.
  • Safeguard confidential information and maintain privacy and confidentiality in academic and professional settings.
  • Demonstrate honesty, fairness, and respect in dealings with colleagues, students, and stakeholders.
  • Recognize the broader impact of one's actions on society and the environment.
  • Advocate for ethical practices, social justice, and sustainability in research, education, and professional practice.
  • Use expertise and influence to address societal challenges and promote the common good.
  • Embrace a growth mindset and openness to feedback, acknowledging that ethical dilemmas require continuous learning and adaptation.